The importance of the user experience on your website

Digital Marketing 11 July 2022

We’re sure you’ve ever heard of the importance of user experience, but you may not have yet been able to understand what UX is and what it’s for.

The user experience has become the mantra of web designers and marketers, even more so with the rise of e-commerce derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.

For this reason, in Kiwop, we tell you what the UX consists of and what its importance is.

Let’s get to it!

What is UX design

UX design, also known as user experience, is the interaction that people have with a website or application and how easy, accessible or intuitive it is for them to interact with it.

Thus, the UX, refers to how the user is guided so that this contact is the best possible and involves the entire team, from the designers to the programmers and the content team.

Aspects to take into account to offer a good user experience

Referring to the aspects to take into account to offer a good user experience, this may vary depending on the company and the target of each one, but there is a set of common points.

The best thing for a good user experience is to provide them with those things they need together. Despite this, there are no magic formulas that can be applied to all businesses.

Relating it to the above, we can say that there are different key aspects in which to focus to take care of your UX.

We’ll tell you about them!

Structure and navigation

Make sure you provide the user with the fastest and easiest way to visit all the pages within your website, giving them the opportunity to get to the information they want to get in the shortest possible time and with minimal effort.

As much as your website has all the information, if it is not well structured, users will have difficulty reaching it. It is proven that users are not willing to browse a website for a long time if the design and navigation are complex.

So, you should analyze and improve the journey that a user makes until reaching the conversion and check if they follow the appropriate steps. A good user experience will offer an easy and fast tour.

It is important to provide visual aids so that visitors know clearly what they need to do, providing them with the necessary information about where they are at all times and where they can go.

Some of the navigation errors that you have to take into account are:


Having an attractive and visual design for the user is basic to improve the user experience, as well as efficient.

You have to keep in mind that each new visitor who accesses your website must be able to navigate as if they had already done so before. Thus, visual design must help achieve a positive user experience.


Readability is another key element that makes a website easy to use. A user must be able to understand the information on the website quickly and without much effort.

There are some studies that show that most readers do not read the information on a website, but search and browse and, of all the information that appears, only 28% read. Thus, we can say that people who access a web page only read two thirds of what appears.

Despite this, there are certain points that you have to take into account so that the visitor to the website stays longer.


The color of the website is a determining factor if we want the website to be readable. In this way, there must be enough contrast between the color of the text and the color of the background of the same website so that the words can be easily read.


Both font size and font type are important, the simpler the font, the easier it will be to read.


The formatting of the text on a page must also be taken into account and you must use a series of techniques such as titles, lists, bold and line spacing. Since if there are long lines of uninterrupted text, probably, the user experience is bad and leave the website.

Charging time

The loading time of the website is another factor to take into account when improving the user experience, since if a website loads quickly you will increase visitor satisfaction, in addition to improving the quality of the page.

If your site takes more than ten seconds, most visitors will abandon it. So, having a website that loads quickly is having an advantage over the competition.

Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool will let you know the loading speed of your website.

If you want to know how to increase the loading speed, know everything about PageSpeed Insights.

Responsive design

Having a responsive design is essential today, so your platform must work correctly on any platform, whether mobile, computer or tablet and that adapts to the specific format from which it is consulted.

In addition, it must also be able to be visited from any browser and any operating system.

If you need help with the usability of your website, we offer you 10 steps to have a useful website.

Discover them!

Why user experience matters

The user experience is important for different aspects such as those we tell you below.

Go ahead!

Meets customer needs

The UX refers to the level of satisfaction that the consumer reaches during the process of interaction with a web page or e-commerce. So if your website meets their needs, probably, they will repeat and end up becoming loyal as a customer.

Improves brand image

From the visit of a user to your website will arise an opinion, which can be positive or negative towards the brand, depending on the interaction that this has had with the web. A positive user experience will value the image of the company and the brand.

Increase ROI

When a company or a brand manages, through the UX, to retain its target audience , it gains notoriety, relevance, visibility and, as a result, greater chances of success in any marketing action. By this we mean that the return on investment will be higher.

increase roi
If the ROI increases, it is a sign that your strategy has worked

How to measure the usability of your website

Measuring the usability of your website will serve as a benchmark, but you’ll need to analyse visitor reactions to your website. For this, our recommendation is the use of the Hotjar tool.

This tool includes a large number of services and utilities such as heat maps to know the places on the website where your customers click the most. In addition, it also has other functions such as recordings, with the user’s consent, about how to browse the web, funnels, forms and surveys on the website.

If you need help, contact us! We are experts in Web Development, e-commerce and Digital Marketing.

Bet on improving the UX on your website

Surely you have realized the importance of the user experience

Now it’s your turn.

If you have doubts or need help, we will not hesitate to do so.

Contact us or follow us on our Instagram profile for more tips on digital marketing.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Go ahead and take advantage of your website by creating a good user experience


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