SEO – Search Engine Optimization

We are SEO specialists. If you want to increase your website traffic, reach more customers and boost conversions, you need Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Why SEO?

You will get a higher score on search engine results pages, more people will visit your website and your company will reach more customers and earn more revenue, thus obtaining a remarkable ROI.

75% of search engine users don’t look past the first page of results. If you want more customers to find and contact your business, you need to rank in top search results for keywords and phrases related to your business.

We help you get results

If you want to have the website you want or increase the online visibility of your brand, we know how to do it.

Shall we start today?

SEM services at Kiwop

The process behind a strong SEO campaign involves elaborated methods and strategies. Our SEO experts conduct a site audit to understand the keywords your website targets, analysing a wide variety of keywords to choose the best for your SEO objectives. We also analyse the content on your website and the internal linking strategies to identify improvements to your SEO performance. Furthermore, we take a meticulous look into your business competitors to analyse their SEO efforts.

Optimising your on-page will require updating your website methodically implementing powerful SEO techniques to increase its online visibility for users searching for the products or services you offer.

Our SEO professionals will design a result-oriented strategic plan to ensure that your website succeeds. SEO takes time, but if you choose to use Kiwop’s SEO services, we will position your business for long-term success.

If you are interested in learning more about how our SEO services can help you grow your business, contact us to speak to one of our SEO consultants.

SEO is gaining more and more strength

If you have spent time investing efforts in positioning your website or online store and you have not yet achieved it, there is something you are not doing well, because investing in good SEO benefits all online businesses. Nowadays, if you do not invest in SEO, it is practically impossible to stop being in the shade of your competitors.

At Kiwop, we have managed to get many companies off the ground. Companies that despite selling high-quality products and that their niche had a large audience, did not get good search engine rankings and failed to reach their potential customers successfully. They needed a good SEO to help them achieve web positioning.

It is increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for an online business to appear on the Internet excluding SEO and without sending clear signals to Web search engines.

If you are interested, we can also help you position yourself in Google and in the search engines that you consider relevant to your business.

Good SEO results are sustained over the long term

If the SEO of your website is not working, or there is a high potential for improvement, you will see results of all those technical SEO, SEO On Pagecontent SEO actions, short term.

After a few months of investing in SEO, you will begin to enjoy the harvest of your SEO investment, and the best of these results is that they are maintained in the long term.

Achieving notoriety and visibility on the Internet, are not goals that are achieved in two days, for this reason, SEO professionals recommend to opt for long-term results, not for the transient.

SEO is an investment

Investing in SEO is not an expense, it is the smartest investment you can make for your business and its future. If you understand that SEO is not an expense but an investment, you will be able to see more clearly the benefits that SEO provides you.

Businesses only make money if they sell their products and services, but they cannot be bought or contracted if they are not seen by people.

Despite constant changes to Google’s algorithms, updates, and advances in artificial intelligence, SEO remains and will continue to be at the heart of Google.

At Kiwop, we like to talk about SEO evolution rather than change. Each change points to a more comfortable and efficient way to search, interact and surf the Internet. Precisely because of all these changes, it is so necessary to invest in SEO, in order to be at the forefront of what Google and other search engines demand.

Yes, optimising a Web page so that Google and other search engines consider it perfect when indexing it, is a job for professionals and requires an investment. But in turn, through an SEO campaign you will reach more audiences in a massive way, and with greater efficiency than through a digital marketing campaign or when paying for online advertising.

Invest in SEO or SEM?

There is an SEO plan for each budget. Paid advertising and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) are very good options, especially if you are looking to achieve maximum results in the short term, but despite the fact that SEM will help you to achieve conversions quickly , the results you achieve will not be maintained in the long term, and will disappear the moment you stop investing in SEM.

SEO is measurable

Google has created various analysis tools that can show you if there are problems on your website, how your audience behaves and what are the contents of your website that are read the most, what are your most visited pages and many other things that are relevant to define a strategy that allows you to improve and enhance and some aspects of your website or online store.

Performance, indexing, traffic, bounce rate, and many more parameters can be measured through tools like Google Analytics or Google Search Console. It is important that in addition to investing in SEO, you keep track of how it positions your website and online store and optimises it.

SEO and UX Usability are directly related

Through SEO and good USABILITY, you will gain the trust and credibility of users, which gives you authority on Google. Consequently, you will get more sales, more leads, and more conversions.

All SEO techniques are implemented pursuing the objective that the user is satisfied, that users find what they are looking for, and that they feel confident to buy it and want to return to the site.

If a website or online store does not take care of its design, loading speed, ease of navigation, and quality content, among others, it is difficult for the user to spend time browsing the site.

Investing in SEO helps you take all these factors in the right direction, SEO is important to maintain the image of the company.

SEO and voice searches

Today, statistics show a strong tendency for people to do more and more searches by voice, because it is faster and easier. So Google is determined to make voice searches a phenomenal experience for its audience.

Voice searches will not stop: Amazon, Siri, Google Search Voice, etc. Every day they are more popular.

In addition, this type of search allows companies to reach groups that were previously difficult for traditional searches. For this reason, businesses must make a smart investment in SEO, they have no other choice.

Optimising the contents of your website is essential if you want to appear in the first results. Google currently prioritizes clear and simple content that answers user questions. It also pays much more attention to websites and online stores that are optimized for mobile devices and voice searches.

If your content is confusing and not useful, you are not Mobile First and your website is not configured for mobile searches and local searches, you will not be able to appear among the first options that the search engine shows to its users.

Local SEO

In the same way that voice searches and mobile searches have changed the way users search, local SEO has also established itself strongly and consolidated as a major SEO trend.

Today’s users search for basic services online; restaurants of specific types of food, hotels in its vicinity, shoe and clothing stores, etc. Local searches have exploded and users are searching the internet for anything they need nearby.

If in addition to being present on the internet, your business has a physical presence, investing in SEO will help you optimise your business for local SEO.

Google’s primary goal is for users to be satisfied, so local searches are very important to Google, allowing it to deliver the best results to users who search by or ‘near’ location.

Local SEO offers you the opportunity to appear on the Google map, generate more traffic and help you have better search engine rankings. By configuring your website for Google My Bussines, you are communicating to Google that you are reliable and can recommend you to its users.

In short, you need SEO to measure up to the first page of results.

Learn about SEO

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We help you get results

If you want to have the website you want or increase the online visibility of your brand, we know how to do it.

Shall we start today?