Internal Link Building: Ultimate Internal Linking Guide for SEO

Digital Marketing 19 April 2021

Not having a correct internal link building strategy that directs users from one page to another within it is a very common SEO error.

Doing so or not will have a huge impact on your website’s positioning results.

The internal link building strategy can take time, effort and constant analysis, but it’s worth it.

Along with copywriting and other online marketing options it helps to improve in web authority in an “artificial” way.

Want to know more? Read on.

What is the Internal Link Building?

The internal link building consists of inserting links on certain pages that point to other pages or landing pages within our own website.

What is the Link Building
Linking different websites within our website helps improve SEO and navigability.

In corporate page layout, thebasic internal link building will be given by the menu hierarchy (top or footer). Therefore, doing a good categorization of the content of a page is very important.

If you look inside an online store, it is very common to see links in the home, on the category pages and on the product sheet pages. This would be the basic internal link building for the development of online stores.

Internal links help improve SEO of a website or online store by telling Google which pages are most important. At the same time, they help visitors navigate easily and stay on the web or ecommerce.

In the case of eCommerce, it is very important to create internal links by displaying related products on each product page. This way we will be adding useful links and encouraging users to continue browsing in the store.

In internal link within our entire SEO strategy

The Internal Link Building is a fundamental pillar of our SEO strategy. It complements and goes hand in hand with keyword study and content creation from the analysis of these keywords.

The internal link comes into play when we already have the list of keywords by which we want to position ourselves and we have already written the content from this list.

Now is when we need to link the different contents between them!

Link Building in the SEO process
SeO procedure outline.

Internal Link Building on a corporate website

On corporate websites the internal link building is based on the structure we have given to our website and the link we make between its internal pages.

Website structure

The internal link building of the web structure will depend on the hierarchy that we have chosen for our own website. Making and defining a good web structure is not only important in order to establish a good internal link building, but will facilitate navigation to our users.

Link Building between categories
Example of link building between categories of our own website

Internal pages already written

For the internal link building between pages it will be important only to link those that have a direct relationship. That is, we will always have to link related pages to each other. Otherwise, that link building will not help us. It could even hurt us.

Link Building Internal in a Blog

In Link Building in blogs it is perhaps one of the most important. We put the Blog separately because it is a fundamental part of our entire internal Link Building strategy.

But a blog section can be had by both a corporate website and an online store. What’s more, both a corporate website and an eCommerce should have a Blog if they want to improve in terms of SEO.

In internal link in the Blog is divided into:

Link Building between categories

If we use WordPress as CMS, we won’t have a problem setting the internal link. The internal LinkBuilding work between categories, subcategories, and articles will automatically do so by WordPress.

However, it will depend on the WordPress theme we use to do it one way or another. But it’s basically an automatic process that we won’t have to worry about too much.

In other CMSs like Drupal the process is very similar, it will be done automatically always depending on the theme used.

If the theme we are using in our CMS has been developed by us, then we will have to do the internal link building between categories ourselves.

It is a job that requires many more hours, but that if done correctly can bring us great results. The same would apply to corporate websites developed by Symfony or tailor-made.

Internal Link Building in Blog Articles

For the internal link building between articles we recommend doing it manually. We can make use of external plugins that do it semi-automatically, as could well be the Yoast SEO Pro.

But the algorithm is not perfect, and we do not recommend doing it this way. It is much better for the human criterion to choose which is the best article to link.

Plugin Yoast SEO
Yoast SEO, the WordPress plugin that helps improve the Internal Link Building.

Apply Internal Link Building in an online store

Let’s see in what ways we can apply the internal link building in an online store in order to help us with SEO positioning. We can use the following tactics in our online store.

Internal linkbuilding with a sitemap page (site map)

A site map is a list of links that contains the pages of a website sorted hierarchically or by categories, it helps search engine bots.

Sitemap pages are an excellent opportunity to add internal links to the most important category pages and product listings that we want to position in an eCommerce.

Typically the Sitemap page is accessible from a fixed link inserted in the footer section of an online store. It can also be an XML file that we provide to search engines.

Internal linkbuilding from home to important SEO pages in ecommerce

The home page of an ecommerce tends to be the page with the highest SEO authority and also the one that receives the most external links from other web domains.

For this reason, any internal page of an online store that receives a link from the homepage, gets a good SEO authority.

The best way to do this is to identify the ecommerce pages you want to position, and link them from home.

An example, used by numerous ecommerces today, is to introduce a link in the home to the best-selling products.

Also very common is the variant of featured or recommended products, which consists of inserting on the home page links to the tabs of the products that are most sold in the online store.

This internal linkbuilding tactic has a more visual and persuasive effect than other forms of linkbuilding,being implemented on the home page.

Internal linkbuilding between categories and subcategories of products from the online store

We’ll use the text added to product categories to help position the category keywords.

The way to implement this tactic isto i by introducing links in the category page text to the subcategories dependent on it.

Link Building between categories
Example of internal Link Building between categories of an online store

These links improve the SEO of the subcategory pages they target by receiving internal links while improving the user experience within the online store by giving you the option to browse a more specific category to the possible product you are looking for.

Internal linkbuilding from the blog to ecommerce categories and product sheets

Corporate blogs are great allies in an online store. Creating useful and value content on an online store blog is a content marketing strategy.

The texts included in the blog articles are used to apply a good internal linkbuilding of the blog with the rest of the online store and the improvement of SEO in this way.

The goal of internal linkbuilding from the blog is to take the user to the product to be sold.

There are two ways to add internal links in blog texts:

  1. Using product images or banners
  2. Using a link to anchor text (the text we put to the link)

Anchor text takes on vital importance because using a keyword will help position the page where you direct the link.

Internal linkbuilding from a terms section related to my products

Google positions term definitions frequently at the top of its results, so it is increasingly recommended that we include in our online store a content section with a dictionary or glossary where we define the terms related to the products and items we sell in our online store.

This can be a good way to appear in searches for users looking for information about our products and could potentially intend to purchase them.

At the same time, it also serves us to position an ecommerce as a company of experts in our sector.

To implement this internal linkbuilding tactic, you must:


We don’t have to do Link Building desperately and pointlessly. We must link the different pages and sections of our corporate website naturally and judiciously.

Not doing so with judgment, not only would it do us absolutely no good, but it could even harm our entire SEO strategy. And that’s the last thing we want.

There is no point in creating links with a totally different theme to the subject. We must facilitate the user’s navigation by inserting links of related or similar topics so that they continue browsing within our website.

There are different programs to get links in bulk for our Link Building campaign, but this tactic is already obsolete, as Google’s algorithm detects it and we may receive a penalty.

Therefore, it is better to insert links manually. The human criterion is wiser to bind and thus you will also ensure that the links are properly indexed.

The internal link building can be complex, it requires many things to be fine so as not to receive a google penalty.

With our advice you won’t have any problems.

If you want to invest well, contact us to ask us about internal linkbuilding without any commitment.

Because we are experts in digital marketing, and we will make your website improve on SEO.

You can also follow us on our Instagram profile for more tips.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Don’t think about it anymore, invest to win.

And you, what internal Link Building secrets do you use for your website?

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