What it is, how it works and why use BeReal in your digital strategy

News 02 November 2022

Very recently BeReal has been released. This application is going around the world to break with the stereotypes of social networks.

This forces you to be spontaneous and gives reality to all users.

So much so that you can even take advantage of this new social network in your digital marketing strategies and give veracity to your company.

At Kiwop , we show you the infinite ways to get your business off the ground with digital marketing , and there are more and more varied.

So, stay and discover what BeReal consists of and what is the best way to take advantage of it to make your company known.

Will you miss it?

What is BeReal

Understanding what BeReal consists of is very easy. This focuses on its users showing their day to day in the most real way.

The management of social networks, since its inception, has been made up so much that nothing is real in their profiles. Well, this concept has been turned upside down ! If you thought that you could no longer invent anything on the internet that would succeed, you were wrong!

This application is leading app downloads ahead of TikTok and have reached 10 million daily users. ‍

You may not be convinced yet to use these apps for your strategies, but don’t worry, we can help you if you read our blog about everything you need to know about social media advertising .

No more polished contents and visions of supposedly perfect lives. These false expectations are being left behind thanks to BeReal.

Use BeReal for your brand

How BeReal works

BeReal sends you a daily notification at a random time and all its users must post a photo within two minutes. This is done with both the front and rear cameras. In this way , both the place and the person of that precise moment are shown.

Only those who post their photo will also see what their friends have made at that time and profiles can also be made public.

You can also react to your friends’ photos with “real emojis”. These consist of a small photo of yourself where you can capture your reaction to the post of others.

Why you should do digital marketing with BeReal

✔ In a society where, in the most used social networks, everything is planned and calculated, sometimes it is good to go a little against everything around us.

That’s why BeReal exists, and so that you are not disappointed, stay to know why you need this application for your digital marketing management. Here are 5 reasons to use it!

Spontaneity is fashionable

After so many years of perfect lives behind Instagram profiles, we all want to see a bit of reality.

When we no longer talk about people, but brands, we also want to see the closest part of it. If you plan everything so much, you lose personalization and connection with consumers.

If you want to offer this spontaneity, consider BeReal as a way to go further with your users and thus have their full attention.

Gives you authenticity

These photographs, taken at the moment and with the two cameras of your mobile, give veracity to what you do.

The moments you share on this social network are the ones that will give you the verification you need from your audience. After all, you only have two minutes to take the photo.

Of course, make sure that what you hang is at the time of the BeReal notice . ⚠ Because if you upload it when you want and not when you play, you will imply that what you have published was planned and will subtract all the authenticity to your company.

Attract young people

A very important audience that you should take into account: young people.

They were born with these platforms, they are the digital natives. Their ability to adapt to these changes is much higher and that is why you cannot neglect yourself.

The objective of BeReal will not be the same as in other social networks. You have to adjust your goals to the users of this app.

Live content works

With all the new platforms we have been able to see that live content triumphs. Above all, when time is not wasted on everything that other social networks entail. This is momentary and simple. You have to give value to the opportunity of the moment. ▶

One of the live platforms that is leading the market is Twitch, so that you have more opportunities, we explain what it is and how you can incorporate Twitch into your digital marketing strategy .

This technique implies that there is someone on the other side who is watching us at that moment, that makes you closer to all consumers.

Criticism of the management of other networks

Social networks like Instagram are prioritizing recommended content ahead of the users you follow. Therefore, a global complaint about the management of this is going viral, and at the same time the purpose of BeReal is revalued.

Where we all see what we really want and not what the platform, by its algorithms, tells us what may interest us.

How to incorporate BeReal into your digital marketing

Let us help you plan your digital marketing strategy well with BeReal. This platform is very new and not yet as adapted to advertising your brand, but there are some resources you can use to take advantage of it.

Shall we tell you?

BeReal will help you show the most human and real part of your company. ♂️ That will make it easier for you to have an approach to your audience and relate you more easily to your brand image.

They will have you in mind! They will see the people behind all the work, how it is done, the business processes…

If you want to go further, you can use the photo at the random time of day to promote your brand with exclusive offers and share discount codes. Make them attractive!

This way your followers will always be attentive to your profile and everything you upload. Not only from BeReal, but on all the platforms and websites you have.

Offers limited promotions

And if you are still not convinced by BeReal… We invite you to read our blog and find out what are the 3 steps to create a social media marketing strategy .

Take advantage of BeReal. It’s at your fingertips!

We have already given you all the information you may need to start advertising your brand with BeReal.

You can also contact us or follow us on our Instagram profile if you need more information.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce. Get your BeReal profile now!


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