10 secrets to connect with your audience through your blog

Digital Marketing 15 April 2021

It is not the same to write a blog with simple information as to write by connecting with your target.

The second will provide you, apart from visits, regular readers.

Write your blog
Write your blog and generate regular readers

A blog is a section within the company’s website, and complements the digital marketing strategy proposed.

You may be interested in customers or suppliers, but the blog itself does not fit into the typical sections of the web.

It is usually located in the top menu of the pages.

Take advantage of that gap of the website to give the image you want to give, that space is totally controlled by you.

And that way, you’ll be able to connect with your audience.

Advantages of having a blog

Including blog writing in your strategy will bring you undisputed benefits:

Ourselves, if you look, on the Kiwop blog many times we show you what our services are in case you are interested in hiring us. ?

kiwop example promoting products on the blog
Kiwop‘s example of promoting services on the blog

Why it’s important to connect with the audience

Connecting with the audience, as we discussed at the beginning, we will make readers more assiduous to our blog posts and gradually become fans of the brand.

take advantage of the blog to connect with your audience
Take advantage of the blog to connect with your audience

We will also increase engagement with prospects, because they will feel more linked to us as a brand and in turn will increase interactions.

And it will also increase brand visibility and traffic to our website, and will impact increased conversions.

One of the means through which you can connect with your audience is indeed the blog.

Here are some secrets of how to do it. ?

10 secrets on how to connect with the audience through the blog

If you want to know some techniques or some secrets of how to connect with your audience with the blog, you’re in the right place:

1. Use FOMO technique

It comes from the acronym “Fear Of Missing Out” literally means: fear of missing something.

You can promote the products in a blog post, making it clear that that offer has a deadline.

So he’ll feel like if he doesn’t take advantage of it now, he’ll be missing a unique opportunity.

2. Turn the negative into positive

It won’t hurt you to talk about something bad on your blog, as long as you finally give the user a positive solution.

You can give your attention with something negative, a headline that shows something that the user may be going through.

To finally tell you the solution to your problem.

turns the negative into positive
Make your readers’ face smile after feeling frustrated

3. Get your users excited

When a user feels excited and excited, it is easier to sell them some product or service.

You can use some tricks to make them feel that way:

4. Catch the user in the first paragraph

The first 2 or 3 lines of your blog post are going to be very important, because they will be the ones that will determine whether the user is interested in continuing to read or not.

Have the reader hook to the article from the first moment.

5. Create expectation by counting the end at the beginning

One of the ways to get attention from the first few words is by counting the end, at the beginning of the blog post.

But don’t tell them everything, just in one sentence the final conclusion. That way they’ll be interested in what the process is like until they get to that point.

6. Treat your community as a friend more

My mother has taught me something when I was little, it’s “treat others the way you want them to treat you.”

So tell them about you to you, with a close tone.

treat the reader on your blog like a friend
Treat the user on your blog like a friend more

If you write in the same style you usually talk to, the tone of the blog editor will be even closer, and readers will feel more identified.

In addition, we advise you to set aside convoluted language and may think it makes you more professional, consider who you’re talking to.

Another way for them to feel identified is to tell your story, plus it will make your brand’s blog more personal.

7. Be original

Write blog articles that users aren’t used to reading, that will make them want to read it and get hooked only with the title.

You’ll get them out of their usual reading and their ways.

8. Use a sense of humor with caution

Yes, you can use the sense of humor, in fact it’s good to use it.

But don’t overdo it either, just use it if you’re born, don’t use it for using it.

You have to be yourself when you write the contents of the blog.

9. Make it clear that no one has the absolute truth

If you’re overbearing when writing, that will lead to rejection of potential customers.

Moreover, which is a reality, no one is in possession of absolute truth.

Encourage them to comment and have them give you their views and think about it.

10. The extent of the articles

And finally, don’t go too far, people get heavy on a very long article and end up leaving our website.

Create the blog for your business

Now it’s your turn.

The company’s corporate blog will help you connect with your audience in addition to many more benefits it can bring.

If you think you don’t have time to be consistent in writing articles, you can always externalize it by hiring a digital marketing agency like Kiwop. ?

Contact us to ask us about blog writing without any commitment.

You can also follow us on our Instagram profile for more tips on the topic.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Come on, start creating content for your blog! ?


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