How voice searches influence SEM

Digital Marketing 12 January 2022

Voice searches have grown a lot in recent years and it seems that this is not going to stop. According to Google, 20% of searches with mobile devices are done by voice,and with the computer they are also more frequent.

It is estimated that in the coming years this percentage will reach 50%,so it creates a need to adapt to this “new” search method, and adapt the SEO and SEM strategy to appear in this type of searches.

At Kiwop, we are experts in improving the conversion rate, analyzing each case, optimizing strategies and objectives to help grow your online business.

In this article we will focus on voice searches in SEM.

What are voice searches?

When we talk about voice searches we refer to searches through voice assistants,such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana or Google Assistant. No to searches made to search engines in dictation mode.

Now, we also refer to a positioning system behind it, such as algorithms and AI.

How does voice searches work?

To appear in voice searches, we rely on two main factors, algorithms and snippets.

Algorithms are mathematical formulas that are used to filter information to become increasingly accurate.

Google uses several algorithms that complement each other in order to give optimal voice searchresults. Such as Hummingbird, Pigeon, Panda, Penguin and Owl. Each of them has a specific function such as sorting, displaying according to geolocation or valuing the information of the site.

Algorithms for voice research in SEM
Algorithms are constantly learning to improve

Then, a little apart, we have RankBrain,which is the artificial intelligence that Google uses and that is constantly learning alone. What RankBrain does is translate the search results so that the computer understands it, and thus learn and be able to find search terms that are related.

Snippets are the snippets of information on a page that are displayed above in box form before organic results, and it’s the first piece of information Google gives you in response to what you’ve searched for.

Which direction are voice searches going?

Large companies are investing heavily in improving voice assistants and improving the search experience. As we have seen for example with Alexa, Amazon’s voice assistant.

Which means that it will evolve over the next few years and will be matched with written searches.

If you want to know more, in this article we tell you everything about voice marketing.

Type of keywords that have to do with voice searches

Well, to all this, how would you search, or how do you look for terms with the voice assistant?

Normally, we do not write short sentences or single words when searching with the voice, since we speak faster than we write, and consequently, we look for longer keywords (long tail).

For example, instead of looking for “sushi Barcelona”, we will most likely look for something like, “where to eat sushi in Barcelona”.

This also has to be taken into account to know at what stage of the funnel the potential buyer or consumer is.

Voice searches keywords for SEM
The keywords we choose are very important

How to do SEM taking into account voice searches

Well, this is also related to keywords, since we will try to optimize our SEM campaigns with long tail words as we have seen before.

The same as with SEO and keywords with intention that we want to position, with SEM campaigns we will do the same, taking into account the phase of the funnel in which you can find that voice search.

Voice searches: how they influence SEM
Voice searches can boost your marketing campaign

We could classify two types of searches:

The information search

It is the one that the user simply seeks to acquire information about something but without purchase intention. Simply in a playful and formative way.

Search with purchase intent

They are the searches that of course also want to obtain information, but for some commercial purpose,such as buying a product, looking for a nearby restaurant or knowing where a store is.

It is true that all searches are informative, because they pretend to know something, but to classify them we have named them like this.

Start improving your conversion rates

Now that you know the trend of voice searches in digital marketing, do not wait any longer and perform an analysis of your campaigns.

With this knowledge you can decide how you want to do it.

Contact us if you need help with your online strategy, or follow us on our Instagram profile for more tips on how to improve your conversion rates.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Start improving your conversion rates!


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