Podcast: why having one benefits you and how to create it from scratch

Digital Marketing 02 March 2021

Podcasts are widely used techniques in digital marketing. These consist of recordings made by companies and made available to users to download and listen to whenever they want.

These can bring great benefits to your online business: knowledge, entertainment or being able to listen to them at any time, among others. As users, we are aware of its great potential.

However, it is not very common for companies or brands to be encouraged to create this type of content and to use it as a diffusion tool. They are often unclear what benefits it can bring to them by introducing it into their marketing strategy.

Kiwop is here to help you.

That’s why we show you how to do a podcast, what it takes to make one, what benefits it has and a list of the best Spanish-language podcasts on digital marketing, copywriting and digital business strategies.

Let’s go.

What are you waiting for to create yours? ?

What are the benefits of a podcast?

If you’re wondering what a podcast is, we have the answer. It is a registered audio or video file, edited and then shared on the Internet through different platforms.

1.75 billion podcasts and more than 43 million episodes have been counted so far this year. With these figures, we see the large number of podcast programs that exist.

But that’s not the highlight, the relevant thing is that they’re on the rise.

Podcasts are an expanding tool that more and more digital businesses use in their marketing strategies.

The main benefit of the podcast is that it is a very useful tool to increase your notoriety and achieve some positioning as a personal or professional brand. Let others know what you exist!

Another advantage to keep in mind is that it brings a potential variety of followers that you probably wouldn’t get with other marketing strategies.

Discover the great benefits and how to make a podcast
Make the best podcasts and get great benefits

What does it take to make a podcast?

The first thing you need to make a podcast is constancy and illusion, otherwise it won’t work out.

Creating a podcast is very simple, which is that you only need some tangible elements and others intangible. But don’t worry about the materials because they will be a minimal investment with which you will get great results.

The following basic tools are essential to be able to perform them without any problem.

To perfect, you are always on time because there are accessories that you can add as you professionalize and that will better complete this equipment.

If you’ve ever noticed, some podcasts put a graphic cover before being seen or heard.

We advise you to also design a main image for your podcast and add it to it. Remember that it must have some concordance with the theme you are going to discuss.

If you want us to help you create the best designs of your podcasts, just contact us, and we will offer you the facilities. ?

How to make a podcast?

There would be thousands of ways to explain how a podcast is made. However, based on our experience, we offer you the tips we consider most useful:

For you to make the best podcasts, we want to give you 3 very important rules:

1st RULE: Always keep in mind the main objective of our podcast.

2nd RULE: Be clear who we are addressing. To do this, you’ll need to define precisely what your audience will be.

3rd RULE: Properly organize what you want to count. In other words, what you want them to know about you, what products or services you want to make known, or what topics you want to discuss.

Once you’re clear about how you’ll do the podcast, the question is… How do you throw a podcast?

First you have to decide which platform you’ll use to launch it. There are several, but we recommend Spreaker, Pinecast and Anchor.

Spreaker tool to make podcasts
Create your podcasts with Spreaker

When you determine which one you’ll use, you’ll need to sign up, launch the podcast, and diffuse it across all your digital platforms to get as powerful as possible.

List of the top ten Spanish-language podcasts on digital marketing

From Kiwop, we want to give you some practical examples of everything we have been discussing. That’s why we leave you the top 10 Spanish-language podcasts to learn more about digital marketing, copywriting and digital business strategies.

  1. Online Marketing the podcast by excellence made by Joan Boluda. It explains all the topics related to Internet marketing techniques and strategies.

2. The Academy of Online Marketing, this podcast is commented on by Oscar Feito and deals with marketing and entrepreneurship.

3. Digital Marketing with Juan Merodio, an expert in digital transformations that deals with digital marketing applied in entrepreneurship and business

4. La Cocotera by Aron Peón. A space where they deal with different topics related to the Internet and marketing.

5. Community Manager, a space carried by Marianela Sandovares. It addresses all issues related to social media. We encourage you to find out!

6. Become more starring Vilma Núñez. It addresses the real problems that can be encountered in the world of marketing. It also gives very personalized attention and listens to your followers and then create the content.

7. Reportin, a podcast made by Juan Villa that deals with different aspects related to Google, e-commerce, SEO and SEM.

8. Blogging is a podcast in blog format that deals with digital marketing topics with touches of humor.

9. 90 minutes of SEO is a micro podcast that conducts, in a short space of time, an interview related to digital marketing.

10. Books for Entrepreneurs, a podcast that differs from others because there are 200 recordings that entirely form an audiobook.

Add podcasts to your digital marketing strategy

You’ve already seen what podcasts are, their great benefits, how to do them and a list of the best Spanish-language podcasts on digital marketing, e-commerce and digital business strategies.

Now it’s your turn.

Think about what you want to do a podcast, how you’ll do it, and follow all our tips for succeeding with them. Thus, your marketing strategy will be a success.

Remember that if you need help or want us to solve any questions related to your e-commerce, we will be happy to do so. ?

Contact us or follow us on our Instagram profile.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Go ahead and…

Create podcasts and optimize your marketing strategy!


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