Why you need an editorial calendar for your blog

Digital Marketing 23 July 2020

Maybe the next situation will ring a bell.

At last you have made the leap to the online world, you are very excited about your new project and you know that having a blog on your website will be very useful to move faster towards your goals.

And it’s time for the truth. You have to start writing on it.

But what’s going on?

You’re in front of the dreaded blank page of Word or Google Docs.

Hopefully, you get some inspiration and you start writing things. But you see that the minutes pass and you are simply writing, deleting, modifying words… You don’t move forward as you would like because you’re also not very clear about what to write, what purpose that particular article has, etc.

And at worst, you’ve been paralyzed. You don’t know what to put. You have some ideas, but all confusing and you don’t know which one you should prioritize to achieve your goals faster.

In short: writing in a blog is no easy task. Without good pre-planning and the development of a strategy for those contents, in the end you can end up fed up with the blog without even having really started writing.

Sad, isn’t it? With the illusion you had at the beginning!

But don’t worry. We’re here to give you a hand. 😉

If what we’ve discussed before has resonated with you in any way, it’s clear that then you need an editorial calendar for your blog.

Throughout this article we will tell you the keys so that you know exactly what the editorial calendar is,reasons why it will be a must for your blog and a mini guide so you know how to create one.

And how could not be less, in Kiwop we want to help you as much as possible. For this reason, at the end you will find a downloadable PDF with the editorial calendar model that we use at the agency to plan our articles.

We hope you like it!

What is an editorial calendar for a blog

The editorial calendar is one of those elements that, when you discover them, you regret that you have not known of their existence before.

Basically, it is a document that reflects the planning of the contents of a blog.

There are other types of calendars, for example, for social media, but that’s more work from community managers and social media.

The calendar of a blog helps us clarify the ideas and put them on paper (or, in this case, on screen) to know:

It’s not a place where you just put the title of the article and a brief description. An editorial calendar collects all the information necessary to write a post that really adds value (later we reveal what information this 😉 is).

You need to plan your blog articles before writing them
Including the editorial calendar in your blog’s strategy will mean a before and after in your results

Why the editorial calendar is a must for your blog

Now that you’re starting to get a little idea about what the editorial calendar is like for a blog, let’s give you more reasons why you need to spend some of your time.

What elements to include in an editorial calendar

Well, once you mention some of the reasons why you need it, let’s go to the most important thing: what elements to include in an editorial calendar for your blog. We rely on the calendar format below.

Search for keywords or keyword research

This is to search for words that can appear in your calendar to optimize them later in each of the articles so that they position and end up attracting visits from Google.

The fields within the calendar

Get to work!

We hope that with this article you have seen the importance of prior content planning by making an editorial calendar for your blog.

We hope that with the tips we give you and with this template that you can download right now you can start making yours.

And remember that you can always end up delegleging this work to third parties. In this way, you can take care of the most important ones: your online business.

At Kiwop we are specialists in the writing of blog content and we will be happy to help you with that.

Ask us and we’ll see what we can do for you 😉


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