The importance of having a good marketing department

Digital Marketing 11 May 2022

Digital marketing and, above all, good strategies in digital marketing, require having several specialized professionals.

Because in this sector, as in many other sectors, there are countless areas and specializations. And of course, it is practically impossible for a single person to know everything that is needed in a digital marketing strategy.

At Kiwop we want your business to be future. That is why we recommend you continue reading this article about the importance of having a good marketing department.

What are you waiting for?

What does a marketing team do?

A digital marketing strategy encompasses SEO and SEM, design and creativity, communication, social networks, branding and advertising, among others. Do you think that a single person can know all these areas thoroughly?

It is practically impossible, hence the importance of forming a marketing team or department! To have a professional from each area who performs his functions optimally.

The main objective of a marketing department is to grow a brand, both in presence and sales. For this, it is essential to investigate well both the current market and the competition, develop a good strategy based on it and promote and communicate this strategy through the different digital channels.

This marketing team can be internal, that is, within your own company, or external through digital marketing agencies and web development , an option that usually comes out more profitable in both human and economic resources.

The marketing team is responsible for growing your brand

Departments of a marketing team

A digital marketing team has different departments or people specialized in a specific area.

Project Manager

Un Project Manager es la persona encargada de dirigir un solo proyecto desde las diferentes estrategias que engloba el marketing digital.

It is responsible for ensuring the timings and that the results are optimal and adequate based on the objectives set.

Social Media Manager

El o la Social Media Manager es la persona encargada de dirigir toda el área relacionada con redes sociales. Tanto qué se publica, cómo, con qué diseños y hasta decidir cómo interactuar con los usuarios.

Another profile within this department would be the Community Manager, that is, the person in charge of interacting and responding to users. A kind of customer service through social networks.

Content Manager

El perfil de Content Manager se encarga de planificar, dirigir y revisar todo aquello relacionado con los contenidos en todos los ámbitos y canales del marketing digital para que toda la comunicación digital esté unificada.

SEO Specialist

Un especialista en SEO es la persona encargada de posicionar la marca de forma orgánica a través de palabras clave que interesen al negocio para acabar apareciendo entre los primeros resultados de búsqueda de Google.

Specialist in SEM and PPC

El especialista en SEM y PPC es la persona encargada de crear, gestionar, monitorizar y optimizar las campañas paid así como su presupuesto en las distintas plataformas de publicidad digital.

Digital Analytics Specialist

Un analista digital tiene el objetivo de saber interpretar todos los datos de los distintos departamentos de marketing para plantear posibles fallos y mejoras en acciones próximas para mejorar el CRO.

In this case, we are talking about a profile that knows each of the departments but is a specialist in digital analytics in order to know how to read the data perfectly.

The analytics specialist interprets the data

Graphic and Audiovisual Designer

Tanto las webs, redes sociales, blogs o contenidos en general de tu negocio o empresa necesita creatividad y diseños. Por eso, un perfil imprescindible en un equipo de marketing es el diseñador gráfico y productor audiovisual.

Creates and manages content based on the requirements and objectives set by each marketing department.

Web Development Team

Por último, pero no menos importante, porque de hecho es una pieza clave dentro del equipo de marketing, es el especialista en programación y desarrollo web.

It is the person responsible for creating and developing websites and controlling that everything works correctly for your company or brand.

If you are interested in this topic, we recommend you read the Blog about why you need an expert agency for the development of your website .

Benefits of having a united marketing team

The secret to making your entire marketing team work perfectly is to work together.

That is, that they fulfill their functions but that they can also be versatile listening, advising and helping the rest of the colleagues in each department. Let them know that they are part of a team and that they are an essential part of it.

Once that is achieved, the benefits are multiple! And it is that we work with a greater flow between all colleagues, optimizing time, management and money. The results are also better, because you always have a specific vision of each area of marketing and at the same time a global one.

And if you decide to bet on a digital marketing agency, you have all these benefits and with the most to save on staff and time invested in leading and training your team.

Por qué Kiwop como agencia de marketing digital y desarrollo web

Como te hemos comentado, las ventajas de apostar por una agencia de marketing digital son muchas, empezando por el ahorro en tiempo, dinero y recursos. ¡Pero hay muchas más! Como el acceso a prácticas y tecnologías punteras con tal de posicionarte en una situación más ventajosa respecto a tu competencia, o trabajar siempre al día con las prácticas de mercado actuales.

Y es que no debes olvidar que una agencia de marketing digital cuenta con la experiencia de llevar decenas o incluso centenares de empresas más, por lo que siempre están al día de cualquier novedad respecto al marketing digital. Además, suelen trabajar con partners tecnológicos y tienen acceso a plataformas o acciones innovadoras. ¡Tu empresa siempre será la primera en probar estas actualizaciones!

En Kiwop contamos con la ventaja de trabajar con un equipo joven y al día de todo lo relacionado con el mundo digital. Porque… ¿quién mejor que los nativos digitales para enseñarte cómo aprovechar al máximo las estrategias de marketing digital de tu empresa?

Cada persona de nuestro equipo tiene un perfil especializado en una área concreta de marketing digital. Trabajamos SEM, SEO, Social Ads, redes sociales, diseño y desarrollo web, redacción de contenidos, estrategia de email marketing y producción audiovisual y fotografía. Siempre habrá alguien especializado disponible para ti y para responder a todas tus dudas y preguntas.

Todo ello con un principal objetivo, ¡hacer crecer tu negocio!

El equipo de marketing digital de Kiwop

Assemble a good professional marketing team

Now that you know the importance of having a professional marketing team and all its advantages, are you going to take it into account?

Now it’s your turn.

If you need help or want us to solve any questions related to your business, we will be happy to do so.

Contact us or follow us on our Instagram profile for more information about digital marketing.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Cheer up and…

Learn how to train and have a good marketing team!


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